currently it is a 3 bedroom, 2 & 1/2 bath, with 2 living areas and 2 dining areas.
future remodel plans are as follows (not in any specific order):
1. convert the formal dining area to a 4th bedroom since it already has a closet.
2. remove all carpet (including walls) and stain concrete.
3. paint, paint, paint.
4. completely remodel master, guest and 1/2 baths.
5. remodel kitchen.
somewhere in there we will have another kiddo as well. that will only add to the fun! closing day is may 23rd. demo starts about 20 minutes after the keys are handed over...
the photo above should give you an idea of the unfortunate time warp our future home is sitting in...
this is the 1/2 bath.
for the life of me, I can't fathom why ANYONE would carpet the walls!